Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'll Take a Democrat and a Side of Fries to Go

I went out to vote today, like the good liberal that I am, and was amazed that there were so many people there standing in line for early voting.  It was really weird for me because I thought you couldn't talk politics at the poll.  So, I am there in line, waiting with all the other people listening and got more opinions than I wanted to, to tell you the truth.  People were talking about Glenn Beck (who is not running for office) and that witch woman.  I heard people talking about gays in the military, and well, the football games and the weather, all sorts of conversations. Now I have been waiting in the line for quite a while, it is stretched outside the door for about half way around the building, and moving pretty slow.  I finally get to the front of the line and tell the lady there that I am registered democrat and can't wait to do my part to keep the nation free!  She looked at me quite matter of factly and said "That is nice sweetie, but are you ordering Chicken or what?"  I looked down at the sign in front of me and saw I was not at the poll, but at Pollette's Chicken and Waffles.  What a damn waste of an afternoon.

God/Allah/Nobody Bless

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