Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Presidential Latino Channel Commercials.

I want to give a big shout out to our lord and President.  This man is so wonderful.  Such a humanitarian.  He earns his Nobel Peace Prize daily, maybe even hourly, excuse me while I compose *sniffle*.  He is letting the Spanish TV viewing community here and abroad know that we have to stop our enemies.  What other sitting president, dead or alive, is going to do that for our country.  I didn't see the commercials,  but the news says they are really good commercials, and they would be with that kind of star power .  I'm gonna go out on a limb here and volunteer my acting skills for the cause.  I am a great actor.  I was in a Shakespeare play in school, "Gilliganismishes Adventures" about this guy that had to go on journey's and the Gods helped him and stuff.  Wasn't really happy about the religious theme but I didn't have my left wings fully developed yet!  With me, we can Tele a mundo lots of Latinos what we need.  Get the word out y'all.  Yes we still can.  And I just want y'all to know that no political funds were expended in the creation or transmition of this message.

God/Allah/Nobody Bless

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