Sunday, October 24, 2010

Palin Gets Underwear in the Mail and Not From Victoria's Secrets

My oh My... Aren't we special? Joe gives Sarah some pink underwear. Oh, how nice.  Here Sarah...have a pair of mine.

I can see that for the inmates, pink underwear could be embarrassing, or not. From what I hear, some inmates roll that way and I applaud them for it. As far as our "friend" Ms. Palin goes, not sure she deserves such an honor. For one, those are paid for by the state of Arizona. Taxpayer money went into those and she is not an Arizona resident. Second, I work hard for the underwear men give to me, and let me tell you, I have been given some damn nice underwear. One time I got this pair of Muslim underwear that I guess came from Iran or somewhere. My butt looked good in them, ya know, sort of see through with gold trim. Anywho, all this makes you wonder if she earned the drawers, and if she did, do their spouses know? That woman needs to go to confessional if she wants to keep her goody goody image. Progressives can attack on this point at will, and quote me. I think it will add credibility to your argument.
God/Allah/Nobody Bless

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