Monday, November 1, 2010

Kay Sara Sara! Anywho, We'll be!

My Mom was telling me today about how she does not have any idea how to vote.  I told her, um, ya go down to the poll (make sure it's not the chicken place), you tell them who you are and they will give you a ballot.  She looked at me like I was crazy and told me she knew that but didn't know who to vote for or why to vote the way that I do.  I said oh... and suggested that she vote along liberal party line and just Christmas tree the rest, sorry X-mas tree the rest (old habits ya know).  Again, I got the look like I was a retard,oops (mentally challenger).  Well we talked a while and after we looked up the candidates, she decided that she was probably going to vote the other way.  I really do not know of another way at this point in the game, I mean, too late to vote absentee or mail in, so she is on her own there.  I am pretty sure she is going to vote for liberals, because she said that I have that all covered and she was going to do the right thing.  Go Mama.  O Bama.  Wow, this Obama thing keeps getting more and more peaceful.   Well, gotta pick out a pretty Blue thong for voters tomorrow to admire as the support the Liberal cause, and nor matter who wins, Kay Sara will be happy!

God/Allah/Nobody Bless

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