This is a violation of human rights. In fact, pregnant women should not even be in prison. Isn't being pregnant punishment enough for any crime? I think female prisoners should be allowed congigal, um conj.... visits for sex, all the time until they get pregnant. If they choose to have an abortion, they should be given at most minimum custody as a reward. If they choose to have the baby, they should be granted amnesty. Shackles while giving birth is just too much. And think about the baby, being traumatized enough by the birth process, but to see leg irons on your mamas legs as you pass by. Especially bad for an African American child (esp. if reincarnation is real) As for Repugnints, I bet you think they should have a wicket door added to the mothers tummy so you can tell the kid to submit to cuffs before birth, and come out feet first for leg irons. You Conservatives are way to extreme and just because the momma's no good, doesn't mean her litter is spoiled. YES WE CAN!
God/Allah/Nobody Bless
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