Sunday, October 24, 2010

Are you a Good Witch, or a Bad Witch?

Hello my Libs,

Maybe I am being too talkative today, but it is Sunday and I am enjoying all the sunshine out on my veranda.
I see that there is a new 'voodoo bitch doll that use to sell herself to Satan born again retard' (not the doll but the O'Donnell).  I am sure some of you parents will encourage your kids to go as her this Halloween, but remember that a true Liberal will not celebrate this religious holiday any more than you would Christmas or Festivus (for the rest of Us).  Remember, our friends down south (Mexico, not Florida) celebrated the souls of their dearly departed on this day and the Wiccans celebrated this in honor of Samantha Stephens, that (bless her heart) only married Gay Men.  Anyway, I encourage you all to simply throw parties and as favors, give out the Obama action figures that this article also talks about.  I really hope they come out with a life size blow up version that is a real action figure, if ya know what I mean!  Anywho, please keep these things in mind and Happy Obamaween!

God/Allah/Nobody Bless

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