Here is another reason why I am a liberal, and exactly why we must have big government. Let's face it America, most of you are really damn fat. I know, I am sort of going where I went the other day on one of my first blogs, but really people.
Michelle (while I am out to steal her man) has a really good point that I can't afford to ignore. I am not fat at all, but I do love alot of people that are, bless their heart. Michelle is telling us we are fat, and while, being a woman, hurts my feeling, Well? The truth hurts.
What also hurts is giving up favorite foods. Another thing that hurts is knowing who to believe, or to be blamed for being told the wrong things to eat, and when! I was just at market recently, and since I and the other shoppers are too stupid to know what and when to eat what, they (the Market) puts up a big sign with a selection beneath it, of things like donuts, cupcakes, bagels, muffins, and other yummies. OMGod's!, My heart was racing, and on the sign it said "Breakfast."
Ok, so these things can only be eaten when you first get up. Will the Muffin Man come by and take your muffins if you eat them at another time of day? What laws will you be breaking? Are there other things than can be eaten for breakfast? I ate breakfast in Japan once, and there was nothing that resembled American breakfasts at all. They ate veggies and seafood, protein and ruffage (salads not dogs). Not much carb and nothing sweet! Michelle should be getting on those muffin cops, not us about how we eat! Well, that is all I am going to say about those yummy breakfast friggin pastries. Michelle, are you tired of the fame yet?
PS Michelle.. Have you looked at your backside lately?
God/Allah/Nobody Bless
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